赵冰研究员 博士生导师







通讯地址:上海市复旦大学生命科学学院A501室    邮编:200438

电话:18612372986    电子邮箱:zhaobing@kmmu.edu.cn


研究员 复旦大学 2017.4---至今
博士后 辛辛那提儿童医学院医学中心 2015.11---2017.3
博士后 清华-北大生命科学联合中心 2013.7---2015.9
生物学博士 清华大学 2008.9---2013.6
理学学士 中国农业大学 2005.9---2008.6


利用小鼠遗传、类器官模型,研究成体干细胞命运决定机制,并发展类器官培育新策略。以第一/通讯作者身份于国际权威期刊Cell Research、Nature Communications、 Advanced Science、Protein & Cell、Developmental Cell等发表系列性研究论文,为再生生物学发展提供重要基础。代表性研究成果获Nature News专访报道、Nature官网主页高亮,获国际权威综述期刊Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology、Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology等高度评价。

致力于推进类器官技术标准化,开拓医药应用新场景。2018年创立复旦大学类器官中心;主编或参编“十四五”国家重点研发、国家博士后创新创业、上海市重点、广东 省重点等多个类器官重点专项项目指南;牵头制定类器官培养行业标准规范;主笔类器官临床应用中国专家共识;主办年度类器官高峰论坛;促进药审药评鼓励意见出台。多维度打造类器官产业转化和医药应用行业新生态。


项目名称 经费(万元) 起止年月 项目性质及来源 担任角色
染色质重构在肝脏细胞命运决定中的作用及其机制 547 2018.7---2022.12 科技部国家重点研发计划 项目负责人
信号转导与成体干细胞命运决定  120 2021.1---2023.12 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目 项目负责人
60 2018.1---2021.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目 项目负责人
Emc3在肠上皮稳态维持中的作用及其机制 57 2020.1---2023.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目
内胚层类器官构建及其形成机制研究 400 2021.10---2026.9 上海市科委基础研究特区计划 项目负责人


复旦大学 2020   2021
“东方学者”特聘教授 上海市教委 2019
上海市青年拔尖人才 上海市委组织部,人社局 2018
上海市青年科技启明星(A类) 上海市教委 2018
生命科学院院长奖 复旦大学 2018
AMGEN Postdoctoral Award AMGEN 2015
北京市优博 北京市教委 2013






《Cell Transplantation》、《遗传》杂志编委

《Cell Regeneration》干细胞信号调控专刊客座主编




 1. Liu G, Wei J, Li X, Tian M, Wang Z, Shen C, Sun W, Li C, Li X, Lv E, Tian S, Wang J*, Xu S* and Zhao B*. (2022) Near-infrared-responded high sensitivity nanoprobe for steady and visualized detection of albumin in hepatic organoids and mouse liver. Advanced Science (工程技术1区Top), 9:2202505. (*corresponding author)

 2. Liang J, Qian J, Yang L, Chen X, Wang X, Lin X*, Wang X* and Zhao B*. (2022) Modeling human thyroid development by fetal tissue-derived organoid culture. Advanced Science (工程技术1区Top), 9:2105568.

 3. Ren X, Liang J, Zhang Y, Jiang N, Xu Y, Qiu M, Wang Y, Zhao B* and Chen X*. (2022) Single-cell transcriptomic atlas highlights origin and pathological process of human endometrioid endometrial carcinoma. Nature Communications (综合1区Top), 13:6300.

 4. Sun S, Jiang Y, Zhang Q, Pan H, Li X, Yang L, Huang M, Wei W, Wang X, Qiu M, Cao L, He H, Yu M, Liu H, Zhao B*, Jiang N*, Li R* and Lin X*. (2022) Znhit1 controls meiotic initiation in male germ cells by coordinating with Stra8 to activate meiotic gene expression. Developmental Cell (生物1区Top), 57:901–913. (Cover Story)

 5. Wei W, Tang X, Jiang N, Ni C, He H, Sun S, Yu M, Yu C, Qiu M, Yan D, Zhou Z, Song Y, Liu H*, Zhao B* and Lin X*. (2022) Chromatin remodeler Znhit1 controls bone morphogenetic protein signaling in embryonic lung tissue branching. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 298:102490.

 6. Meng F, Shen C, Yang L, Ni C, Huang J, Lin K, Cao Z, Xu S, Cui W, Wang X, Zhou B, Xiong C, Wang J and Zhao B*. (2022) Mechanical stretching boosts expansion and regeneration of intestinal organoids through fueling stem cell self-renewal. Cell Regeneration, 11:39.

 7. Chen J, Zhang J, Yang L and Zhao B*. (2022) Facile suspension culture protocol of the liver biliary organoids. Bio-Design Engineering and Manufacture, doi.org/10.1007/s42242-022-00213-3.

 8. Yang L, Chen J, Liang J, Zhang Y, Wang Q, Ren X, Wei J, Gong Q, Zhang J, Jiang N, Lin X, Li J* and Zhao B*. (2022) Modeling hepatoblastoma development with human fetal liver organoids reveals YAP1 activation is sufficient for tumorigenesis. Protein & Cell (生物1区Top), 13:683-688.

 9. Huang M, Yang L, Jiang N, Dai Q, Li R, Zhou Z, Zhao B* and Lin X*. (2021) Emc3 maintains intestinal homeostasis by preserving secretory lineages. Mucosal Immunology (医学1区Top), 14:873-886. (Cover Story and 2021 Editor’s Choice)

 10. Xiao H, Liang J, Liu S, Zhang Q, Xie F, Kong X, Guo S, Wang R, Fu R, Ye Z, Li Y, Zhang S, Zhang L, Kaudimba K, Wang R, Kong X, Zhao B*, Zheng X* and Liu T*. (2021) Proteomics and organoid culture reveal the underlying pathogenesis of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Frontiers in Immunology, 12:784975.

 11. Sun S, Jiang N, Jiang Y, He Q, He H, Wang X, Yang L, Li R, Liu F, Lin X* and Zhao B*. (2020) Chromatin remodeler Znhit1 preserves hematopoietic stem cell quiescence by determining the accessibility of distal enhancers. Leukemia (医学1区Top), 34:3348-3358.

 12. Zhao B*, Ni C, Gao R, Wang Y, Yang L, Wei J, Lv T, Liang J, Zhang Q, Xu W, Xie Y, Wang X, Yuan Z, Liang J*, Zhang R* and Lin X*. (2020) Recapitulation of SARS-CoV-2 infection and cholangiocyte damage with human liver ductal organoids. Protein & Cell (生物1区Top), 11:771-775. (Highlighted by Nature)

 13. Wang X, Ni C, Jiang N, Wei J, Liang J, Zhao B* and Lin X*. (2020) Generation of liver bipotential organoids with a small-molecule cocktail. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 12: 618-629.

 14. Zhao B*, Chen Ying, Jiang N, Yang L, Sun S, Zhang Y, Wen Z, Ray L, Liu H, Hou G and Lin X*. (2019) Znhit1 controls intestinal stem cell maintenance by regulating H2A.Z incorporation. Nature Communications (综合1区Top), 10:1071.

 15. Wei J, Ran G, Wang X, Jiang N, Liang J, Lin X*, Ling C* and Zhao B*. (2019) Gene manipulation in liver ductal organoids by optimized recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 294:14096-14104.

 16. Qi Z, Li Y, Zhao B, Xu C, Liu Y, Li H, Zhang B, Wang X, Yang X, Xie W, Li B, Han JJ and Chen YG. (2017) BMP restricts intestinal Lgr5+ stem cell self-renewal by directly suppressing its signature genes. Nature Communications (综合1区Top), 8:13824.

 17. Zhao B, Qi Z, Li Y, Wang C, Fu W and Chen YG*. (2015) The non-muscle-myosin-II heavy chain Myh9 mediates colitis-induced epithelium injury by restricting Lgr5+ stem cells. Nature Communications (综合1区Top), 6:7166.

 18. Lin L, Liu L, Zhao B, Xie R, Lin W, Li H, Li Y, Shi M, Chen YG, Springer TA and Chen X. (2015) Carbon nanotube-assisted optical activation of TGF-β signalling by near-infrared light. Nature Nanotechnology (工程技术1区Top), 10:465-71.

 19. Cui HK#, Zhao B#, Li Y, Guo Y, Hu H, Liu L* and Chen YG*. (2013) Design of stapled α-helical peptides to specifically activate Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Cell Research (生物1区Top), 23:581-584. (# co-first author)

 20. Zhao B, Wang Q, Du J, Luo S, Xia J and Chen YG*. (2012) PICK1 promotes caveolin-dependent degradation of TGF-β type I receptor. Cell Research (生物1区Top), 22:1467-1478.

 Review Articles:

 1. Li Y, Gao X, Ni C, Zhao B* and Cheng X*. (2023) The application of patient-derived organoid in the research of lung cancer. Cellular Oncology (医学1区Top), doi.org/10.1007/s13402-023-00771-3.

 2. Wei J, Zhang W and Zhao B*. (2023) Human liver organoid: modeling liver steatosis and beyond. Cell Regeneration, 12:17.

 3. Liang J, Li X, Dong Y and Zhao B*. (2022) Modeling Human Organ Development and Diseases With Fetal Tissue-Derived Organoids. Cell Transplantation, 31:1–15.

 4. Lv T, Meng F, Yu M, Huang H, Lin X and Zhao B*. (2021) Defense of COVID‐19 by Human Organoids. Phenomics,1:113–128.

 5. Zhao B and Chen YG*. (2014) Regulation of TGF-?? Signal Transduction. Scientifica, 2014:874065.


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